Hi Daniel,

Many thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay. 

VectorTools::project_boundary_values_div_conforming expects a Function 
> object with dim components and hence represents f in the documentation for 
> that function. Of course, specifying n.f instead of f is sufficient, but it 
> is convenient to be allowed to pass
> a vector-valued Function object instead. In particular, this choice makes 
> the interface more similar to VectorTools::project_boundary_values* 
> functions.
> In case, the normal vector is constant for a given boundary id you can 
> easily construct a suitable vector-valued f=n g for a given scalar 
> function. Otherwise you will have to encode this information into your 
> class derived from Function.

then according to my understanding a pure projection (as the name suggests) 
of vector valued functions to the Raviart-Thomas space. This is clearly a 
helpful function (for even more than just boundaries) but not in 
prescribing flux or traction boundary conditions since, as you mentioned, 
this implicitly requires knowledge of the face normal but this is imo not 
desired from the user perspective (complicated or changing domains?). For 
traction BCs it is even more complicated since that means you need to 
prescribe stress tensors. This unfortunately makes it difficult to 
prescribe such BCs. 

The strategy that I chose works for the lowest order Raviart-Thomas element 
but what about higher order (because the dofs are edge moment?)?


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