I am using Dealii with the Ifpack_Hypre package in Trilinos. Everything 
works well except that I need an Epetra_FEVector vector for which 
vector.Map().LinearMap() evaluates to true. However, it appears I am 
getting a discontinuous mapping, but I don't understand why based on what I 
see in the deal.ii code.
This all relates to the Vector class within the EpetraWrappers namespace. I 
am using the reinit function that takes an IndexSet parameter to build 
the Epetra_Map. The Vector::reinit function in trilinos_epetra_vector 
calls parallel_partitioner.make_trilinos_map(communicator,false). The 
method make_trilinos_map in index_set.cc checks if 
parallel_partitioner.is_ascending_and_one_to_one(communicator) is true. If 
that is true, it appears that a linear map should be created. I checked in 
my code whether the IndexSet I pass to reinit is_ascending_and_one_to_one 
for the communicator and that returns true.

The only possible complication is that when checking whether there is a 
linear map, I am using vector.trilinos_vector().Map().LinearMap(). So 
perhaps a linear map is created but then going back and forth between the 
deal.ii vector and the underlying Epetra_FEVector  causes some issue.

Does anyone familiar with this part of deal.ii or with Epetra vectors have 
any ideas that may give me some direction?


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