Dear Weixiong,

There’s an interpolation function that should do this for you:
The associated interpolation matrix is (I’m pretty sure) built using

I hope this helps. If be interested to know if this gives you the same result 
as your hand computation.


> On 28 Mar 2018, at 01:10, Weixiong Zheng <> wrote:
> I put my non-smart solution here in case if there's no easy way of doing it 
> in deal.II and someone else needs it.
> // The vector I want to output is the solution for vector-valued problem. 
> // I want to output the cell-average value for the 0th component.
> Vector<double> modi (solu);
> Quadrature<dim> qq(fe.get_unit_support_points());
> FEValues<dim> fv(fe, qq, update_values | update_quadrature_points);
> std::vector<bool> selected_dofs (dof_handler.n_dofs());
> // comp[0] is the 0th component of std::vector<FEValuesExtractors::Scalar> 
> for the system
> DoFTools::extract_dofs(dof_handler, fe.component_mask(comp[0]), 
> selected_dofs);
> std::vector<types::global_dof_index> local_to_global_dof (fe.dofs_per_cell);
> // modify the 0th component
> for (typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
>        cell=dof_handler.begin_active(); cell!=dof_handler.end(); ++cell) {
>     fv.reinit(cell);
>     std::vector<double> local_sol(qq.size());
>     fv[comp[0]].get_function_values(solu_out,local_sol);
>     double avg = std::accumulate(local_sol.begin(), local_sol.end(), 0.) / 
> local_sol.size();
>     cell->get_dof_indices (local_to_global_dof);
>     for (auto i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i) {
>       if (selected_dofs[local_to_global_dof[i]]) {
>         solu_out[local_to_global_dof[i]] = avg;
>       }
>     }
>   }
> If anyone has any smarter idea, please let me know and thanks in advance.
> Weixiong
> 在 2018年3月27日星期二 UTC-7下午2:35:37,Weixiong Zheng写道:
> Hi
> I am trying to output an cell average solution for a code using DG bilinear 
> element in 2D. Is there a trivial way to project DG-1 to DG-0? Or is there 
> any function I can call to output the solution at some specfic points, say 
> the center point of the cell?
> Thanks
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