Following this, note that using the stress as a tensor function produced 
the same results/problems (same errors too as doing it with component_i) 
but wouldn't have thought that would have made a difference anyway...

On Monday, March 5, 2018 at 6:59:43 PM UTC, Jane Lee wrote:
> Hi Wolfgang,
> I believe the formula is correct. the cubic term comes from p=z^3 being 
> the pressure manufactured solution. so in (pI-2e) you get a z^3 term and 
> indeed a linear term in the 2e portion.
> The code commpiles and the error analysis is correct with Dirichlet 
> conditions on the top and bottom (sides are no flux still). With the code 
> snippet where Neumann conditions are used at the top and bottom, the code 
> compiles and runs, and strangely, with the error analysis being correct for 
> the pressure, but not for the velocity. The velocity profile qualitatively 
> looks ok, but is quite off the exact solution and the error doesn't 
> converge with the refinement level. 
> This is how I have come to conclude that it is how i am implementing the 
> Neumann conditions that are causing the problem, since with Dirichlet 
> conditions the solver is good. All i can figure out is that perhaps we have 
> calculated the vector g_N (Neumann condition) incorrectly, but that has 
> been checked multiple times - if anyone notices something stupid we have 
> done here then do let us know too.
> I will for now use vector extractors like you suggested and see if that 
> helps at all?
> Many thanks

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