>>On 01/17/2018 02:45 PM, Frohne, Joerg wrote:
>> obviously this is a mistake. I checked the source files which we have used 
>> for results in corresponding paper.
>> There I have found the following coding:
>>            resid_old = resid;
>>            resid_vector = system_rhs_newton;
>>            resid_vector.compress(VectorOperation::insert);
>>            int is_my_set_changed = (active_set == active_set_old) ? 0 : 1;
>>            int num_changed = Utilities::MPI::sum(is_my_set_changed,
>>                MPI_COMM_WORLD);
>>            if (num_changed == 0 && resid < 1e-8)
>>              break;
>>            active_set_old = active_set;
>> Unfortunately I have not been working with deal.ii for over two years now.
>> For this reason I would be glad if someone else could fix this bug.
>> Otherwise I would need a short manual how to do it by myself.

>I can do that for you. Do I understand correctly that the only change
>that needs to happen is to move
>   active_set_old = active_set;
>to *after* the if-statement?



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