Dear all,

Since the inclusion of Transfinite interpolation, I have been successful on 
working with this powerful technique in my research. I had coded a mesh 
implementing concentric circles, where the inner most is shifted a small 
distance s. All concentric circles are labeled 100+i, where i is in a loop 
on all circles.

The mesh was working after 4/Apr/17 when I added the following entry in the 

I installed the development version of dealii on the 17/nov/17. The details 
of the installation are also in the forum:!topic/dealii/ee2w2X987ig

and recently I went back and tried to run thhis code, obtaining the error 
at the end of the email.

I prepared a minimal example that includes the definition of my grid. It 
includes how I colorize each face as explained before, and the rest are 
colorized "1" as the documentation suggests.

The symptoms are the following:
- If I use refinement=0, everything works and the mesh looks quite nice in 
zeros.vtk and surface with lines mode in Paraview.
- For any higher refinement, it gives the error below.

Maybe there has been a major change in TransfiniteInterpolation since 
Apr/2017, or maybe the way I colorize is not good anymore for some weird 
reason. Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Juan Carlos Araújo,
Umeå Universitet.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'dealii::Mapping<2, 
An error occurred in line <1554> of file 
</path/dealii/source/grid/> in function
    typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator 
spacedim>::compute_chart_points(const dealii::ArrayView<const 
dealii::Point<spacedim> >&, dealii::ArrayView<dealii::Point<dim> >) const 
[with int dim = 2; int spacedim = 2; typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, 
spacedim>::cell_iterator = dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::CellAccessor<2, 2> 
The violated condition was: 
Additional information: 

Aborted (core dumped)

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2013 by the deal.II authors
 * This file is part of the deal.II library.
 * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
 * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
 * the top level of the deal.II distribution.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>

#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>

#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>

#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/matrix_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>

#include <deal.II/lac/constraint_matrix.h>

// #include "../../grid/arbitrary_resonators.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

#include <typeinfo>
#include <limits>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace dealii;
using namespace std;

//---------------------------- GRID DEFINITION ---------------------------------

struct Geom_parameters {
  unsigned int n_scatterers, scatterers_coarse_cells, 
  	n_balls, coated_coarse_cells, defective_index;
  unsigned int manifold_label,layers_label,bc_label;
  double coat_radius;
  bool coated=false;
  bool defect=false;
  bool defect_n2=false;
  vector< Point<2> > ball_centers;
  vector<double> radius;
  vector<double> radius_PML;
  vector<unsigned int> ball_labels;
  string name;

void concentric_disks (	Triangulation<2> &tria, double s, vector<double> x,
				Geom_parameters &gp, bool mesh_out)
	double r = x[0], d = 0.5*x[0], q=1.0/sqrt(2.0); //l = x[1], q: corner points factor
	const unsigned int nlay = x.size()-1, vlayer=8, lcells=8, 
			n_vert = (2+nlay)*vlayer+1, n_cell = 3+(1+nlay)*lcells+1; // 19
  bool info = false;	//, plot_eps = true, for printing cells, faces and vertex values
	int fc = 4; //fv = 1,  f: fixed, displacement of index on the vertexes and cells ... inner objects
	// geometric information-----------------------
			gp.n_scatterers = 1;
			gp.scatterers_coarse_cells = 12;
			gp.n_balls = x.size(); // the resonator and all other centered at the origin
			gp.ball_centers.resize( gp.n_balls );
			gp.ball_centers[0] = Point<2>( s, 0.0 );
			for (unsigned int k = 1; k < x.size(); k++) {
				gp.ball_centers[k] = Point<2>( 0.0, 0.0 );
			} = "concentric_disks";
			if(mesh_out) printf("%% defined by using %d balls\n", gp.n_balls);
  if (info) printf (" Entering %s ... \n", () );
	std::vector<Point<2> > vertices(n_vert);
	vertices[0]   = Point<2>(  0.0+s,   0.0 );
	// inner 4 squares
	vertices[1]   = Point<2>(     d+s,   0.0 );
	vertices[2]   = Point<2>(  .5*d+s,  .5*d );
	vertices[3]   = Point<2>(   0.0+s,    d  );
	vertices[4]   = Point<2>( -.5*d+s,  .5*d );
	vertices[5]   = Point<2>(    -d+s,   0.0 );
	vertices[6]   = Point<2>( -.5*d+s, -.5*d );
	vertices[7]   = Point<2>(   0.0+s,   -d  );
	vertices[8]   = Point<2>(  .5*d+s, -.5*d );
	// touching circle
	for (unsigned int k=0; k < x.size();k++) {
		double z = (k==0)?s:0.0;
		r = x[k];
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+1]  = Point<2>(     r+z,  0.0 );
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+2]  = Point<2>(   r*q+z,  r*q );
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+3]  = Point<2>(   0.0+z,   r  );
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+4]  = Point<2>(  -r*q+z,  r*q );
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+5]  = Point<2>(    -r+z,  0.0 );
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+6]  = Point<2>(  -r*q+z, -r*q );
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+7]  = Point<2>(   0.0+z,  -r  );
		vertices[8+k*vlayer+8]  = Point<2>(   r*q+z, -r*q );
	std::vector< std::vector<int> > cell_v (n_cell, std::vector<int>(4));
  cell_v[0][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 0
	cell_v[0][1]  =  8;
	cell_v[0][2]  =  2;
	cell_v[0][3]  =  1;

	cell_v[1][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 1
	cell_v[1][1]  =  2;
	cell_v[1][2]  =  4;
	cell_v[1][3]  =  3;

	cell_v[2][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 2
	cell_v[2][1]  =  4;
	cell_v[2][2]  =  6;
	cell_v[2][3]  =  5;

	cell_v[3][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 3
	cell_v[3][1]  =  6;
	cell_v[3][2]  =  8;
	cell_v[3][3]  =  7;
	cell_v[4][0]  =  8;	// cell, i = 4
	cell_v[4][1]  =  16;
	cell_v[4][2]  =  1;
	cell_v[4][3]  =  9;
	cell_v[5][0]  =  2;	// cell, i = 5
	cell_v[5][1]  =  1;
	cell_v[5][2]  =  10;
	cell_v[5][3]  =  9;
	cell_v[6][0]  =  2;	// cell, i = 6
	cell_v[6][1]  =  10;
	cell_v[6][2]  =  3;
	cell_v[6][3]  =  11;
	cell_v[7][0]  =  4;	// cell, i = 7
	cell_v[7][1]  =  3;
	cell_v[7][2]  =  12;
	cell_v[7][3]  =  11;

	cell_v[8][0]  =  4;	// cell, i = 8
	cell_v[8][1]  =  12;
	cell_v[8][2]  =  5;
	cell_v[8][3]  =  13;

	cell_v[9][0]  =  6;	// cell, i = 9
	cell_v[9][1]  =  5;
	cell_v[9][2]  =  14;
	cell_v[9][3]  =  13;
	cell_v[10][0]  =  6;	// cell, i = 10
	cell_v[10][1]  =  14;
	cell_v[10][2]  =  7;
	cell_v[10][3]  =  15;
	cell_v[11][0]  =  8;	// cell, i = 11
	cell_v[11][1]  =  7;
	cell_v[11][2]  =  16;
	cell_v[11][3]  =  15;
	unsigned int m;
	// layer cells
	for (unsigned int k = 1; k < x.size(); k++) {
		// cell 12
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+0][0]  =  7+8*k+1; //16;	// cell, i = 12
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+0][1]  =  7+8*m+1; //24;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+0][2]  =  0+8*k+1; // 9;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+0][3]  =  0+8*m+1; //17;
		// cell 13
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+1][0]  =  1+8*k+1; //10;	// cell, i = 13
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+1][1]  =  0+8*k+1; // 9;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+1][2]  =  1+8*m+1; //18;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+1][3]  =  0+8*m+1; //17;
		// cell 14
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+2][0]  =  1+8*k+1; //10;	// cell, i = 14
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+2][1]  =  1+8*m+1; //18;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+2][2]  =  2+8*k+1; //11;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+2][3]  =  2+8*m+1; //19;
		// cell 15
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+3][0]  =  3+8*k+1; //12;	// cell, i = 15
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+3][1]  =  2+8*k+1; //11;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+3][2]  =  3+8*m+1; //20;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+3][3]  =  2+8*m+1; //19;
		// cell 16
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+4][0]  =  3+8*k+1; //12;	// cell, i = 16
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+4][1]  =  3+8*m+1; //20;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+4][2]  =  4+8*k+1; //13;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+4][3]  =  4+8*m+1; //21;
		// cell 17
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+5][0]  =  5+8*k+1; //14;	// cell, i = 17
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+5][1]  =  4+8*k+1; //13;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+5][2]  =  5+8*m+1; //22;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+5][3]  =  4+8*m+1; //21;
		// cell 18
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+6][0]  =  5+8*k+1; //14;	// cell, i = 18
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+6][1]  =  5+8*m+1; //22;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+6][2]  =  6+8*k+1; //15;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+6][3]  =  6+8*m+1; //23;
		// cell 19
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+7][0]  =  7+8*k+1; //16;	// cell, i = 
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+7][1]  =  6+8*k+1; //15;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+7][2]  =  7+8*m+1; //24;
		cell_v[fc+k*lcells+7][3]  =  6+8*m+1; //23;
	if (info) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_cell; ++i)
			if(info) printf("cell[%d] = (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", 
				i, cell_v[i][0], cell_v[i][1],cell_v[i][2],cell_v[i][3]);

  std::vector<CellData<2> > cells (n_cell, CellData<2>());
  unsigned int cell_idx = 0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < n_cell; ++i) {
    	// printf("%d: ", i);
      for (unsigned int j=0; j < 4; ++j) {
        cells[i].vertices[j] = cell_v[i][j];
        if(info) printf("%d  ",cell_v[i][j]);
      if(info) printf(";\n");
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < n_vert; ++i) {
    if(info) printf("  %f,  %f;\n", vertices[i][0],vertices[i][1] );
  if(info) printf("\n\n");
  //printf("after grid ordering\n");
  tria.create_triangulation (
    std::vector<Point<2> >(&vertices[0], &vertices[n_vert]),
    SubCellData());       // no boundary information
  if(info) printf("after creating triangulation\n");
  double eps = 1e-5*x[0];
  unsigned int label=100; // layers=1, origin_cells=100,
	for (Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator
					cell = tria.begin_active(); cell!=tria.end(); ++cell)
	cell->set_all_manifold_ids (1); // not faces ... for Transfinite interpolation
	for (unsigned int k=0; k < gp.n_balls; ++k) {
		for (unsigned int f=0;
					f < GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;++f) {
			const Point<2> //face_center = cell->face(f)->center(),
				p0 = cell->face(f)->vertex(0) , p1 = cell->face(f)->vertex(1);
			double d0 = p0.distance( gp.ball_centers[k] ), d1 = p1.distance( gp.ball_centers[k] );

			if(info) printf(" f=%d, dist=%f, \t r=%f\n", f, 
				cell->face(f)->center().distance( gp.ball_centers[k] ),gp.radius[k] );
				if( (abs( d0 - gp.radius[k]) < eps ) &&  
					(abs( d1 - gp.radius[k]) < eps )) {
							cell->face(f)->set_all_manifold_ids (label+k);
					if(info) printf("Manifold of ball %d! dist=%f, \t r=%f\n", k,
						cell->face(f)->center().distance( gp.ball_centers[k] ), gp.radius[k] );
		} // face
	} // cell
  // end-colorizing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// print grid
	if(mesh_out) {
		std::ofstream gridfile ("grid_cc.eps");
		GridOut grid_out;
		grid_out.write_eps (tria, gridfile);
		std::ostringstream ss;                          // auxiliar string used for naming files
		ss << "coarse_grid_" << "cc" << ".m";
		std::ofstream output (ss.str().c_str());
		output << "vert=[" << endl;
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_vert; j++) {
			//printf("\t%.3f, %.3f;\n", vertices[j](0), vertices[j](1));
			output << "\t" << vertices[j](0) << ",\t" << vertices[j](1) << ";" << endl;
		output << "\n];" << endl;
		output << "cells=[" << endl;
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_cell; j++) {
			output << "\t" << cell_v[j][0] << ",\t" << cell_v[j][1] 
						 << ",\t" << cell_v[j][2] << ",\t" << cell_v[j][3] <<";" << endl;
		output << "\n];" << endl;
	if (info) printf (" Exit %s ... \n", () );

void concentric_disks (	Triangulation<2> &tria, vector<double> x) {
		Geom_parameters gp;
		concentric_disks (	tria, 0.0, x, gp, false);

void concentric_disks (	Triangulation<2> &tria, vector<double> x,
								 									Geom_parameters &gp) {
		concentric_disks (	tria, 0.0, x, gp, false);

//--------------------- MAIN CLASS ---------------------------------------------

template <int dim>
class Mygrid

  Mygrid (unsigned int p, unsigned int r);
  void run ();
  void make_grid ();
  void setup_system();
	Geom_parameters															gp;
	vector< PolarManifold<dim> >								balls;
	TransfiniteInterpolationManifold<dim> 			inner_manifold;
  Triangulation<dim>   												triangulation;
	FE_Q<dim>            												fe;
	DoFHandler<dim>      												dof_handler;
  MappingQGeneric<dim>												mapping;
  ConstraintMatrix     												constraints;
  unsigned int degree, refinement;

template <int dim>
Mygrid<dim>::Mygrid (unsigned int p, unsigned int r)
  fe (QGaussLobatto<1>(p + 1)),
  dof_handler (triangulation),
  mapping (p),
  degree (p), refinement (r)
  	printf ("Degree=%d, refinement=%d\n", degree, refinement);

template <int dim>
void Mygrid<dim>::make_grid () {
			double s=0.1;
			std::vector<double> x;

			concentric_disks ( triangulation, s, x, gp, true);
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gp.n_balls; i++) {
				new (&balls[i]) PolarManifold<2>(gp.ball_centers[i]); // recall constructor
			// assigning manifolds, with layers 100, 101, 102, 103
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gp.n_balls; i++) {
				triangulation.set_manifold ( 100 + i, balls[i] );
			unsigned int not_curved = 1;
			triangulation.set_manifold (not_curved, inner_manifold);
			triangulation.refine_global (refinement);
  // ---------------- bgn setup --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	Vector<double>	zeros (triangulation.n_active_cells());
      std::ostringstream ss;
      const std::string filename = "zeros.vtk";
			DataOut<dim> data_out;
			MappingQGeneric<dim> mapping (degree);
      data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
      data_out.add_data_vector ( zeros, "zeros" );
      data_out.build_patches (mapping, 4, DataOut<dim>::curved_inner_cells);
      std::ofstream output (filename.c_str());
      data_out.write_vtk (output);

template <int dim>
void Mygrid<dim>::setup_system () {
  dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
  constraints.clear ();
	DoFTools::make_zero_boundary_constraints (dof_handler, constraints);
  constraints.close ();
	printf ("dofs=%d,\tcells=%d\n",dof_handler.n_dofs(),triangulation.n_active_cells() );

// ------------------------------------ RUN ------------------------------------------------------//
template <int dim>
void Mygrid<dim>::run () {
  make_grid(); 			  													//printf(" ... make_grid\n");
	setup_system ();    													//printf(" ... setup\n");

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

	using namespace dealii;
	deallog.depth_console (0);
		  // **** Change values here (degree, refinement) ******/
		  Mygrid<2> problem_2d( 4,1 ); ();
  // cout << printout.str();
  return 0;

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