Dear All,

I am trying to create a vector of type bool to identify which dofs
correspond to hanging nodes. I  use  the function


As mentioned in the manual, I set the size of the vector
selectedDofsHanging to dofHandler.n_dofs().

This works fine in serial but when running in parallel on 8 procs, the
above function gives a seg fault at line 854 of

  // dof numbers on the centers of the lines bounding this
   // face
   for (unsigned int line=0; line<4; ++line)
      for (unsigned int dof=0; dof!=fe.dofs_per_vertex; ++dof)
= true;*

The line where the code seg faults has been marked bold.

My hanging node mesh generation process starts with a base uniform mesh
containing 64 elements in a cube of domain 40 units and I kept refining
just the layer of elements around the center of cube till the mesh size
becomes less than 0.05. Final mesh contains around 512 elements.

I am wondering if I am  missing anything here when using the above function
in MPI.

Thanks and Regards

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