Hello Sambit,

Can you  try doing this?
Also move the vertices of the ghost cell and avoid calling   

When I tried to use 
last time, something wierd (Dont exactly remember what, Code was not doing 
what I was expecting) happened with me. But Since then, I have avoided 
using it.


On Monday, December 4, 2017 at 1:22:37 PM UTC-5, Sambit Das wrote:
> Hello Dr. Arndt,
> Thank you for your reply. My apologies for not being clear on the " breaks 
> the periodic face pairs match". Following is the error message I get when I 
> run on parallel.
> *An error occurred in line <3699> of file 
> </home/vikramg/DFT-FE-softwares/softwareCentos/dealii/dealii-8.5.1/source/grid/grid_tools.cc>
> in function*
> *    void 
> dealii::GridTools::match_periodic_face_pairs(std::set<std::pair<CellIterator, 
> unsigned int>, std::less<std::pair<CellIterator, unsigned int>>, 
> std::allocator<std::pair<CellIterator, unsigned int>>> &, 
> std::set<std::pair<dealii::identity<CellIterator>::type, unsigned int>, 
> std::less<std::pair<dealii::identity<CellIterator>::type, unsigned int>>, 
> std::allocator<std::pair<dealii::identity<CellIterator>::type, unsigned 
> int>>> &, int, 
> std::vector<dealii::GridTools::PeriodicFacePair<CellIterator>, 
> std::allocator<dealii::GridTools::PeriodicFacePair<CellIterator>>> &, const 
> dealii::Tensor<1, CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension, double> &, 
> const dealii::FullMatrix<double> &) [with CellIterator = 
> dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::CellAccessor<3, 3>>]*
> *The violated condition was: *
> *    n_matches == pairs1.size() && pairs2.size() == 0*
> *Additional information: *
> *    Unmatched faces on periodic boundaries*
> I suspect this has something to do with the ghost nodes across the 
> periodic boundary not being handled correctly. I am right now creating a 
> minimal working example of my bug. I will post that soon.
> Best,
> Sambit
> On Monday, December 4, 2017 at 8:53:51 AM UTC-5, Daniel Arndt wrote:
>> Sambit,
>> I am trying to move all parallel triangulation nodes by a constant 
>>> displacement, but that breaks the periodic face pairs match when I 
>>> call GridTools::collect_periodic_faces(...). I use the following code for 
>>> the mesh movement. The dftPtr->triangulation has periodicity constraints 
>>> using add_periodicity(...). 
>> What exactly do you mean by "that breaks the periodic face pairs match"? 
>> What is the error you are observing?
>> Can you provide us with a minimal example that shows the problem so we 
>> can check?
>> Best,
>> Daniel

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