Hello all, 

I am using deal.ii to solve a system of Hamilton Jacobi equations. I need 
to use FE_Nothing element in a part of my domain.

I read a couple of posts in this forum regarding this but I have some 
questions. I will appreciate if anyone can answer these.

Since I need to use MPI, and I need to use  hp::DofHandler so I cannot use 
p::d::triangulation. So, I need to use Triangulation and then use metis to 
partition that. 

In one of the posts I read

 "you can always partition regular triangulation by 
GridTools::partition_triangulation (n_mpi_processes, triangulation); 
and adjust your assembly loops to
if (cell->subdomain_id == this_mpi_process)
to parallelize with MPI. The downside is that all your processes will now 
own the **complete mesh**.
There are also some other minor downsides like serial SolutionTransfer and 
not straight-forward serialization/restart."

1. So, I wanted to know what are the minor downsides with solution transfer 
and restart. I was using Parallel Distributed Solution transfer upto now 
and need to have checkpoint/restart option available.

2. Is there no concept of locally owned or locally ghost cells if I use the 
GridTools::partition_triangulation()? Uptil now, some calculations I was 
doing were for both (loc. owned + ghost) cells like moving the mesh. What 
happens here?

3. Will there be any change regarding locally owned dofs and locally 
relevant dofs?

4. Even with p::d::tria, the coarsest mesh was owned by all processors. So, 
what exactly does this mean -- "The downside is that all your processes 
will now own the **complete mesh**." 


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