Hi Bruno,

I avoid this iso.msh file but it still not work. Maybe I should mention the 
whole way how this isosurface is constructed.

1. Grid is constructed by dealii -> saved as grid.vtk

2. grid.vtk is read by vtkUnstructuredGridReader -> construct isosurface 
with the vtk class vtkContourGrid

(3. saved isosurface as iso.msh)

4. convert it by tethex and save it as "iso_quad.msh"

5. read it in dealii

For a refinement ref = 1 of the dealii grid (see 1.) it worked. But for ref 
> 1 the above mentioned error happens. I do not really understand how this 
not correctly cells are created since I thought that tethex takes care of 
that. Do you have any further ideas?

Best regards

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