Hi Phani,

Hmm… interesting. I think that you may be using the class in a way that we did 
not expect - I think that we intended it to store a struct/class rather than a 
primitive data type. I think that this should be an easy fix, namely that this 
assert (and perhaps others) need to be extended to read something like
(std::is_base_of<DataType, T>::value || std::is_same<DataType, T>::value)

Would you like to try to see if that small change fixes the problem, or else 
would you mind please providing us with a full minimal test case that 
reproduces the problem? In the mean time you could also simply wrap your single 
double in a struct which should circumvent the issue.

Best regards,

> On 28 Oct 2017, at 02:31, Phani Motamarri <pha...@umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to create a quadrature Point data in the form of CellDataStorage. 
> My quadrature point data are of of type "double" and hence I do the following
>   CellDataStorage<typename DoFHandler<3>::active_cell_iterator,double> 
> rhoQuadData;
>    typename DoFHandler<3>::active_cell_iterator cell_start = 
> dofHandler.begin_active(), cell_end = dofHandler.end(); //// dofHandler is 
> previously created and is associated with the a finite-element mesh
>    rhoQuadData.initialize<double>(cell_start,
>                                                  cell_end,
>                                                  n_q_points);
>   I get a compilation error which says
>    error: static assertion failed with "User's T class should be derived from 
> user's DataType class"
>     static_assert(std::is_base_of<DataType, T>::value,
>     ^
>           detected during:
>             instantiation of "void dealii::CellDataStorage<CellIteratorType, 
> DataType>::initialize(const CellIteratorType &, unsigned int) [with 
> CellIteratorType=dealii::TriaActiveIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<dealii::DoFHandler<3,
>  3>, false>>, DataType=double, T=double]" at line 532
>             instantiation of "void dealii::CellDataStorage<CellIteratorType, 
> DataType>::initialize(const CellIteratorType &, const CellIteratorType &, 
> unsigned int) [with 
> CellIteratorType=dealii::TriaActiveIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<dealii::DoFHandler<3,
>  3>, false>>, DataType=double, T=double]" at line 120 of 
> "/home/phanim/KohnShamCodes/DEALIICode/dft-fe/src/./dft/project.cc
> This is very strange to me as DataType and T are both "double" but still I 
> get this static assertion error. Could you please let me know if I am missing 
> anything here?
> Thanks
> Phani
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