Is there a way to determine the amount of unknowns, i.e. for example the 
amount of grid points? 

Concerning your second point: Yes, only when doing a mesh refinement the 
memory consumption increases, else not.

Am Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2017 15:08:19 UTC+2 schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth:
> On 10/03/2017 01:04 AM, 'Maxi Miller' via deal.II User Group wrote: 
> > I have a system of coupled heat equations, written for MPI using 
> > 
> > | LinearAlgebraTrilinos::MPI::SparseMatrixsystem_matrix; | 
> > 
> > as the sparse system matrix. Now for certain values the program runs 
> fine, 
> > but for other values (which I am interested in) the RAM consumption goes 
> up 
> > rapidly after several steps in time and refinement. 
> > 
> > Valgrind tells me that the biggest reason for that is the system matrix. 
> > This makes the program unusable workstations with 32 GByte RAM. Is that 
> > something I could expect, or is that a bug in my program? 
> It's likely a bug of some sort, unless you are solving problems with LOTS 
> of 
> unknowns. A general rule is that you need maybe 1500 or 2000 bytes per 
> unknown, so you should be able to solve problems with several million 
> unknowns 
> with 32 GB. How large are the problems you have? 
> > I am solving the equations with the method shown in step-15 and step-33, 
> > i.e. I iterate over an inner loop for every time step until I am below a 
> > certain l2-value, and then go to the next time point. 
> > 
> > One possible approach I could think of is to set the threshold higher, 
> but 
> > that would only delay the problem. Another approach would be to check if 
> > the l2-value did not change over the last five internal loops, 
> > 
> > and then continue anyway, but that would again increase the error. Is 
> there 
> > a better way? 
> That doesn't make any sense to me. The only thing that should increase the 
> memory consumption should be mesh refinement. The number of iterations 
> should 
> have no effect. If it does, then you have a memory leak somewhere. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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