Hello everyone,

I am using deal.ii to solve a 3D solid mechanics problem.
My code uses Parallel::Distributed::Triangulation and Petsc Wrappers.

Until now, the code does not support AMR, however, I want to implement it 
in the code. For the last couple of days, I am
looking at the example codes (esp. 31) that talk about how to do adaptive 
mesh refinement and interpolate the solution to the new mesh.

I have read several previous posts in this group as well.

Before actually starting to code, I wanted to ask a few questions to make 
sure I understand the concept and should be able to debug when the need 
arises. (I think this is very closely related to serialize/deserialize)

The adaptive mesh refinement works as follows:

1. Once the solution is known on a coarse mesh, and mesh is refined locally 
in some regions, SolutionTransfer class
is used to get the solution interpolated on the new mesh.

2. In order to have gauss point history to be interpolated to the new mesh, 
I can make a new vector which is numbered as per the dif handler of 
discontinuous Galerkin. I can then store the gauss point history in this 
vector. This vector can then be interpolated to the new mesh and its value 
at the Gauss points will give the new point history.

3. Constraints related to hanging nodes have to be taken care.

This will actually transfer the solution and point history from the old 
mesh to the new mesh. 

I also have 2 questions now:
1. Apart from the transfer of these things (like explained above), is there 
anything else one needs to keep in mind while working on AMR? 

2. After repartition, there can be 3 cases that *a)* a new cell (previously 
belonging to the different processor) becomes a part as a result of 
*b)*  there are newly refined cells with parent cell belonging to same 
processors (pure refinement) *c)*  there are newly refined cells with 
parent cell belonging to same processors (refinement + repartition). 

In case of no repartition, are material id and boundary conditions flags 
transferred to newly generated cells? In other words, as long as no motion 
of cells from one processor to other takes place, the data is inherited 
from parent cells. Is this right?

In case of repartition,  are the material id and boundary conditions 
transferred along with these cells (when they move)?

The link 
that when cells are moved from one processor to other, this information is 
not carried. 


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