> template<class Btype>
> void Pa_Preconditioner<Btype>::
> vmult(LA::MPI::BlockVector &dst, const LA::MPI::BlockVector &src) const
> {
> SolverControl cn;
> PetScWrappers::SparseDirectMUMPS solver(cn,mpi_communicator);
> solver.set_symmetric_mode(true);
> solver.solve(B,dst.block(0),src.block(0));
> solver.solve(B,dst.block(1),src.block(1));
> }
> Does this look reasonable? I think, this makes program much less general
> than my previous version where I could choose between direct and iterative
> solvers with the template parameter. And also I am not sure that LDLt
> decomposition of B is reused in this case.

It looks like you are reconstructing the decomposition every time
inside your vmult. Why do you do that?

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