On 09/11/2017 12:59 AM, Anna Avdeeva wrote:

Now I would like to create a file containing the solution vector and some function of the solution vector at the set of receiver locations. If I had a solution vector on one processor I could easily create such file (using VectorTools::point_value/point_gradient), but when solution is distributed, I am not quite sure what the best way is.

Your mindset when thinking about these things needs to be that it is not possible for one processor to have information that exists on other processors. So, if you want to output data for a number of points, each processor needs to loop over all points, check whether that point is located so that that processor can know the solution there, and then evaluate the solution there. That means that each processor will be responsible only for a subset of points, but all together, they will know about all points.

When you have this, you can either let each processor output into a separate file, or they send their results to one central processor that outputs everything into a file.

To understand the first part, you may want to look into the implementation of VectorTools::point_value(), which simply throws an exception for all points it doesn't know about locally on the current processor.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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