Dear Jean-Paul

Now I understand why the heuristic method is less preferable and have a 
better sense of the least square method in this context.

Like a simple linear regression 
> <>, the 
> least-squares method will minimise the error of your function (as given by 
> the quadrature data) projected onto the given finite element space (be it 
> continuous or discontinuous, low or high order, etc.).

Can I  express this method as following: given the scalar data lower case 
p_j at the quadrature points, find the nodal values upper case P_i such 
that sum(p'_j - p_j)^2 is minimum where p'_j is the values at the 
quadrature points obtained by interpolating P_i ?

I did not derive, instead learned from this link 
that the least square method yields the following equation:

MP = R

where M is mass matrix, P is nodal values, and R is the volume integration 
of the scalar variable p.

This involves solving additional linear equation but the equation itself is 
easy to assemble. Is my understanding right?

Thank you so much

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