Dear Jean,

Thank you for pointing that out. I somehow missed the the 3.7 section while 
browsing through it. 

Kartik Jujare

On Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 10:12:56 PM UTC+2, Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote:
> Dear Kartik,
> There's both a section in the main 
> <> and 
> user-project 
> <>
> documentation on CMake about how to configure CMake with extra compile and 
> linker flags. Take a look there, and perhaps the information contained 
> therein will help clear things up. I think that you need to extend `
> DEAL_II_CXX_FLAGS` or `DEAL_II_LINKER_FLAGS` with this extra flag after 
> I hope that this helps.
> Regards,
> Jean-Paul
> On Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 7:28:27 PM UTC+2, Kartik Jujare wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Would be grateful if anyone could correct or direct me to the right 
>> solution.
>> As a test I have a following for loop is a step file
>> #pragma omp parallel
>> {
>> #pragma omp for //private(k) reduction(+:integral)
>> for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
>> {
>> sleep(1);
>> }
>> }
>> Now the time outputs of the this for loop and another normal one (without 
>> openmp) are the same. I think the problem lies in the flag that I am 
>> passing in the Cmakefile but cant figure out what? 
>> I have tried setting the following flags:
>> SET (MPI_CXX_COMPILE_FLAGS "-fopenmp")  
>> //OR
>> SET (DEAL_II_CXX_FLAGS "-fopenmp")
>> I suppose I dont understand cmake very well. What would be an appropriate 
>> place to place the above line in the CMakeLists.txt
>> Thank you and regards,
>> Kartik Jujare

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