Appreciated. I'll try this idea out.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 7, 2017, at 16:47, Wolfgang Bangerth <> wrote:
>> On 07/06/2017 06:25 PM, Weixiong Zheng wrote:
>> I suspect it would not be about the weak form directly. So, every time I 
>> give an set of initial cells, I need to make sure total initial cell number 
>> N_cell_tot % n_process == 0. If this condition is fulfilled, solution will 
>> always be correct. Say, I want to use 5 processors, then I have to give 
>> N_cell = 5 or 10 or 5 * some integer.
>> You see what's going wrong?
> No :-) I only see from your description when something works correctly. So 
> try a case where you have a 2x2 mesh and 3 processors. Or a 3x3 mesh and 2 
> processors.
> I'm willing to believe that the problem is not in the weak form, but has to 
> do with incorrectly setting up some vector, matrix, or other data structure. 
> The question is where that happens. What I wanted to suggest is that if you 
> look at the rhs vector, for example, and it is wrong, then the problem must 
> have happened *during or before assembly*, not during the solution process. 
> If, however, system matrix and rhs are correct, then the problem must have 
> happened *after* assembly.
> Debugging these sorts of problems always comes down to bisection the space of 
> code where the problem could possibly be. For now, it is very large -- in 
> essence the entire time your program executes. The task then is to find a 
> convenient point in the middle to determine whether the problem happens in 
> the first half or second half of the execution. And then to repeat.
> Best
> W.
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       
>                           www:

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