
Thanks for your answer, your approach actually worked quite well. 

> (How would I go about submitting a patch? I have absolutely no experience 
> with these things)
Have a look the FAQ [1]. If you have problems doing this, we happily help.

> Now I have another question. I am trying to compute the L2 error over all 
> the faces. For simplicity, I tested this starting from the tutorial 
> step-51. I added another VectorTools::integrate_difference statement to the 
> postprocess routine, with arguments dof_handler and solution (these 
> correspond to the solution on the faces). However, this gives me an 
> exception saying that some number is not finite (see error log in 
> attachment). Is it even possible to compute errors on faces (and not cells) 
> using VectorTools::integrate_difference? Or is there some other way to do 
> it?
Well, from the documentation [2] the relevant part is "Compute the cellwise 
error of the finite element solution [...]". Indeed, 
VectorTools::integrate_difference doesn't consider face integrals. However, 
you can just write such a function with not too much effort if you already 
use face loops in your cod:
Basically, just evaluate your reference function on the respective face in 
the quadrature points using Function::[vector_]value/gradient[_list] 
depending on the number of components your solution has and the norm you 
are interested in. Then, you compute the respective values for your 
solution using FEValues::get_function_values/gradients, compute the squared 
difference (for L^2 or H^1), multiply with FEValues::JxW and add everything 


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