Physically, the problem is scalar per direction (radiation transport). So you are suggesting I don't need to use FE_Nothing in the FESystem?

I don't think it's become completely clear what you are doing, but from what I infer is that your problem is *not* in fact scalar -- but a system of equations each of which is scalar. Is this correct?

If so, then of course you need an FESystem -- you have a vector-valued problem (namely a system of equations). But if that is the case then the result of FEValues::get_function_values needs to be a vector of vectors, namely the vector-valued solution at each of the quadrature points. The fact that *some* of the components of the vector-valued solution are zero (because you are using an FE_Nothing for this component) doesn't mean that you don't have to provide a std::vector<Vector<double>> as argument.

Does that make sense?


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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