On Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 12:56:14 PM UTC-5, Denis Davydov wrote:
> Nope. You add things to **your** CMakeList.txt

You mean that I should edit **your** CMakeLists.txt, right? Not make an 
extra one of my own?

(Speaking of your: it has a line

#    See doc/readme.html and doc/development/cmake.html for further    #

That second link does not exist.

> You need to install the current development version of deal.II (from 
> GitHub master branch).

Got that.

> Then in CMake of **your** project after deal.II is found you do

You mean "add this line to your CMakeList.txt"?

> to have DEAL_II_TRILINOS_DIR available, which will point to the Trilinos 
> used to build deal.II.
> Then you use https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/command/find_package.html 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fcmake.org%2Fcmake%2Fhelp%2Fv3.0%2Fcommand%2Ffind_package.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEDUQ6C8NaSYex7gaxXHchE9OxK6g>
>  to 
> re-find the Trilinos with extra libraries you need for your project.
> Something like
> find_package(Trilinos COMPONENTS <extra_libs_you_need> HINTS 
 so I put 

find_package(Trilinos COMPONENTS /usr/lib/libpython.so HINTS 

in the CMakeLists.txt file. That leads to:

"--   TRILINOS_INCLUDE_DIRS: *** Required variable "Trilinos_INCLUDE_DIRS" 
empty ***"

so it seems to break something in what I've specified for Trilinos.


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