I'm going to jump in with one of my random comments uninvited. Hopefully
you don't mind. :-)

I already run the example with uniform mesh, hence global refinement with 0
refinement cycles.
The problem is, a specimen with 100 or 1000 elements is difficult to check
due to the terminal output being flooded.

I think what Thomas is kindly trying to point out is, that a single cell is
a useless test case for almost all possible test cases that deal with
practical problems.

It seems your case is one of many examples.

Try 16 cells. Look at the data and then try 32 cells and compare. Maybe
write a procedure that will look at the data for you and put useful results
into a file for you to look at? Can you plot results with gnuplot (for

Machines are stupid, they only can do what you tell them to do! So, why not
reserve a day or so to calmly write the algorithms needed to extract the
data you want in a way you can visualise?

You need to do your analysis in some way. You can not expect a machine to
do things for you. You have to instruct her what it is you want to be done.
Write the code...   :-)

That is scientific computing.

I could just output the result for one element, but then wheres the

Big difference in numerical analysis of this kind! ;-)

I am not being unkind - though, maybe its time to get dirty, write some
code, and look at the numbers, in order to figure out where the problem
lies. If you can do that, there are alot of dealii users and developers
that will help you out, and you'll get there in the end. :-)


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