Dear Kyusik,

So my new question is , in deal.II, could I get local divergence of certain 
> function to get surface integral?
Yes it is. You can extract the divergence of a function using, for example, 
the FEValuesView function get_function_divergences 

However, you'll note that this function only makes sense (and its therefore 
only defined) for a vector field. Your solution field is scalar though, 
which presents a bit of an issue. On the face of it you'd have to first 
project the gradient of the solution (scaled by the function "f") onto an 
axillary vector-valued FE space and then compute the divergence of that 
projected field. 

I think that what you could alternatively do is to expand your integrand 
into a gradient term and a Laplacian term. You can quite easily point-wise 
compute these individual quantities using the scalar FEValueViews functions 
and get_function_laplacians 
or those equivalently 
for FEValuesBase.

Does this help?


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