On 04/14/2017 09:47 AM, Bonito Andrea wrote:
template<intdim, intspacedim, classITERATOR, classASSEMBLER>
voidintegration_loop(ITERATOR begin,
typenameidentity<ITERATOR>::type end,
DoFInfo<dim, spacedim> &dof_info,
IntegrationInfoBox<dim, spacedim> &box,
constLocalIntegrator<dim, spacedim> &integrator,
ASSEMBLER &assembler,
constLoopControl&lctrl = LoopControl())
std_cxx11::function<void(DoFInfo<dim>&, IntegrationInfo<dim,
spacedim>&)> cell_worker;
std_cxx11::function<void(DoFInfo<dim>&, IntegrationInfo<dim,
spacedim>&)> boundary_worker;
std_cxx11::function<void(DoFInfo<dim> &, DoFInfo<dim> &,
IntegrationInfo<dim, spacedim> &,
IntegrationInfo<dim, spacedim> &)>
cell_worker = std_cxx11::bind(&LocalIntegrator<dim,
spacedim>::cell, &integrator, std_cxx11::_1, std_cxx11::_2);
The DoFInfo argument of LocalIntegrator<dim, spacedim>::cell contains
two templates <dim,spacedim>, which seems logical. However, the DoFinfo
in cell_worker only takes a single template <dim>.
This creates an error at the compilation.
Am I missing something or the DoFInfo in cell_worker (and
boundary_worker) should be DoFInfo<dim,spacedim> & ?
I bet it has never been tested. You're right that it looks wrong. If you
make this change by hand, does it work?
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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