
In my project I am modeling two-phase flow using phase-field model (an 
> interface capturing method). Now I am done with first draft of my code and 
> I am facing the well-known issue of 'spurious currents in two-phase flow 
> using FEM' (paper 1 
> <> and paper 
> 2 <>). 
> The take home message of paper 2 is to use a finite element space known as 
> extended finite element space (XFEM) for pressure dofs. I wonder is this fe 
> is available in deal.ii? 
the unfinished example step-47 (completed in [1]) considers an XFEM 
approach within deal.II. Using the recently introduced FE_Enriched class 
[2] it should be possible to simplify this a bit.

If not then I would request this feature since it shall come in handy for 
> two-phase flow researchers.
There seems to be some interest by others in using FE_Enriched for XFEM 
(!topic/dealii/GbARfRzwNb4), but deal.II 
ist still a community project.

> Secondly, since there is no tutorial demonstrating full two-phase 
> formulation (I meant complete modeling i.e. Navier-Stokes + 
> Phase-Field/Level-Set) I need suggestions (in any form, say any group using 
> deal.ii or even other FEM package for two-phase flows currently or in past 
> or any available code et cetera) on how to address this issue.
There is an application in the code gallery [3] and two example programs 
[4,5] on two-phase flow problems and multiple others, e.g. step-22, 
step-35, step-57, that deal with flow problems. These should serve as a 
goog starting point. 
Do you have any specific problems? 



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