Guess I figured it out. I didn't do 

在 2017年3月23日星期四 UTC-4上午1:38:32,seven写道:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to project a solution in FE_DGP(sol_dg) to FE_Q (sol_cg), but 
> I only know the gradients of sol_dg and its values at some vertices, so I 
> want to fix values of sol_cg at the same vertices after the projection.
> The first method I tried is quite straightforward, but the resulting 
> global matirx is very ill-conditioned. I set the corresponding row to zero 
> except the diagonal entry, and then change the right hand size.
> for( ; cell_c!= endc;++cell_dg, ++cell_c ){
> const unit active_index = cell_dg->active_cell_index();
> if(interface_flag[active_index] == 1){
> fe_values_continuous.reinit(cell_c);
> fe_values_v_dg.reinit(cell_dg);
> fe_values_v_dg.get_function_values(solution, solu_dg);
> cell_c->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices_c);
> for(unit vert=0; vert<4; ++vert){
> // local_dof_indices_c[vert] global index
> const unit index_i = local_dof_indices_c[vert];
> ls_rhs_continuous(index_i) = solu_dg[vert]* aver_diag;
> for(unit i=0; i<size_m; ++i)
> ls_matrix_continuous.set(local_dof_indices_c[vert], i, 0.);
> ls_matrix_continuous.set(index_i, index_i, aver_diag);
> }
> }
> } 
> so I want to use constraint matrix to do the same thing, but cannot get 
> the right answer. 
> for( ; cell_c!= endc;++cell_dg, ++cell_c ){
> const unit active_index = cell_dg->active_cell_index();
> if(interface_flag[active_index] == 1){
> fe_values_continuous.reinit(cell_c);
> fe_values_v_dg.reinit(cell_dg);
> fe_values_v_dg.get_function_values(solution, solu_dg);
> cell_c->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices_c);
> for(unit vert=0; vert<4; ++vert){
> // local_dof_indices_c[vert] global index
> const unit index_i = local_dof_indices_c[vert];
> constraints.add_line(index_i);
> constraints.set_inhomogeneity(index_i, solu_dg[vert]);
> }
> }
> }
> constraints.close();
> cell_c = dof_handler_continuous.begin_active();
> cell_dg = dof_handler.begin_active();
> for( ; cell_c!=endc; ++cell_c, ++cell_dg){
> fe_values_dg.reinit(cell_dg);
> fe_values_dg.get_function_gradients(solution, grad_dg);
> ls_matrix = 0;
> ls_rhs = 0;
> fe_values_continuous.reinit(cell_c);
> for(unit q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q){
> for(unit i=0; i<dofs_per_cell_continuous; ++i){
> ls_rhs(i) += fe_values_continuous.shape_grad(i,q)
>   * fe_values_continuous.JxW(q)
>   * grad_dg[q];
> for(unit j=0; j<dofs_per_cell_continuous; ++j)
> ls_matrix(i,j) += fe_values_continuous.shape_grad(i,q)
>        * fe_values_continuous.shape_grad(j,q)
>        * fe_values_continuous.JxW(q);
> }
> }
> cell_c->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices_c);
>         constraints.distribute_local_to_global (ls_matrix, ls_rhs,
>                                                 local_dof_indices_c,
>                                                 ls_matrix_continuous, 
> ls_rhs_continuous);
> Any help would be appreciated
> Thanks,
> Jiaqi 

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