Dear Seyed,

> Extra question: Can we store variables or copy them to all processors? 
> Since I am filling a variable in a locally owned cell, currently on rank 3. 
> Then my other ranks, especially the root rank 0 has no clue of the values 
> which are set. Hence, there has to be a possibility to copy data to other 
> processors or let them know about the content?
This falls into the category of standard, but very much nontrivial, MPI 
questions that are unrelated to deal.II itself. How you would implement the 
<> of data 
depends very much on, amongst other things, the type of data that is being 
transferred, and how/to which processes the information is being broadcast 
and received. 

So I would highly recommend that you take a look at the documentation 
<> for the MPI library that you are using 
and perhaps also go through a couple of tutorials that focus on MPI and 
its communication models itself. Otherwise, there are examples 
<> in the 
source code and tests 
that you can use to better understand how you might implement whatever it 
is that you're trying to do.


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