Dear all,

I'm working on some monolithic and partitioned schemes of FSI problem. In a 
monolithic scheme, the matrix usually consists both fluid and structure 
parts. However in a partitioned scheme, we can use two matrices which 
represent the fluid and structure separably. I would like to extract the 
fluid part and the structure part from the matrix assembled in monolithic 
scheme. So is it possible to extract some blocks from a sparse block matrix 
and then use these blocks to build a new sparse block matrix? If yes, this 
would help me test kinds of partitioned schemes without making too much 
effort on coding. 

For example, A is a 4*4 sparse block matrix with 16 blocks, can I extract 
the block(0,0), block(0,2), block(2,0) and block(2,2) from A?  Even more, 
can these four blocks be used to build a new sparse block matrix B?


Best regards,

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