Hi! I added a destructor than "talk" in the python code and 

import pyinput
import pygeom
import pystate
import pyeqfactory
import pyeigenprobfactory
import pyeigensolver
import pypostprocessing

def deltalk(self):
  print type(self).__name__ ," die"

pyinput.Input.__del__ = deltalk
pygeom.ProbGeom1D.__del__ = deltalk
pystate.State1D.__del__ = deltalk
pyeqfactory.EqFactory1D.__del__ = deltalk
pyeigenprobfactory.EigenProbFactory1D.__del__ = deltalk
pyeigensolver.EigenSolver1D.__del__ = deltalk
pypostprocessing.PostProcessing1D.__del__ = deltalk

inp = pyinput.Input("heter1d/1d1g_heter")
geo = pygeom.ProbGeom1D(inp)
state = pystate.State1D(inp, geo);
equation = pyeqfactory.EqFactory1D.New(state)
eigenprob = pyeigenprobfactory.EigenProbFactory1D.New(state, equation)
solver = pyeigensolver.EigenSolver1D(state, eigenprob)

and the python code try to delete the object in a wrong order. 

$ python test2_forest.py 
EigenSolver1D  die
ProbGeom1D  die

An error occurred in line <114> of file 
</home/segonpin/lib/dealii/source/base/subscriptor.cc> in function
    virtual dealii::Subscriptor::~Subscriptor()
The violated condition was: 
    counter == 0
The name and call sequence of the exception was:
    ExcInUse (counter, object_info->name(), infostring)
Additional Information: 
Object of class N6dealii13TriangulationILi1ELi1EEE is still used by 1 other 

(Additional information: <none>)

See the entry in the Frequently Asked Questions of deal.II (linked to from 
http://www.dealii.org/) for a lot more information on what this error means 
and how to fix programs in which it happens.

#0  /home/segonpin/lib/dealii-8.4.bin/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.8.4.2: 
#1  /home/segonpin/lib/dealii-8.4.bin/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.8.4.2: 
dealii::Triangulation<1, 1>::~Triangulation()
#2  /home/segonpin/codessebas/dealii-neutron-transport/python/_pygeom.so: 
#3  /home/segonpin/codessebas/dealii-neutron-transport/python/_pygeom.so: 
#4  python: PyObject_Call
#5  python: PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs
#6  /home/segonpin/codessebas/dealii-neutron-transport/python/_pygeom.so: 
#7  python: ) [0x4fd4e6]
#8  python: PyDict_SetItem
#9  python: _PyModule_Clear
#10  python: PyImport_Cleanup
#11  python: Py_Finalize
#12  python: Py_Main
#13  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: __libc_start_main
#14  python: _start

So this was obviously the problem. I will see if I can change the title of 
the question so someone having the same problem can find the answer easily. 

El martes, 14 de febrero de 2017, 16:21:00 (UTC+1), Bruno Turcksin escribió:
> 2017-02-14 10:13 GMT-05:00 Sebastian.Gonzalez-Pintor <sego...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>>: 
> > I am doing some reading about this now. I do not have explicit 
> destructors 
> > neither in c++ nor in python, so I want to be carefull that I can define 
> the 
> > destructors to add the cout without changing the what the destructor 
> would 
> > do the work. Thanks for the hint. 
> You should be fine just adding destructors with cout (at least in 
> c++). The behavior won't change. 
> Best, 
> Bruno 

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