Hello! I am using swig to parse some code that I have wrote, and this code uses dealii. When I run the code with python, I get an error raised by Subscriptor as follows
-------------------------------------------------------- An error occurred in line <114> of file </home/segonpin/lib/dealii/source/ base/subscriptor.cc> in function virtual dealii::Subscriptor::~Subscriptor() The violated condition was: counter == 0 The name and call sequence of the exception was: ExcInUse (counter, object_info->name(), infostring) Additional Information: Object of class N6dealii13TriangulationILi1ELi1EEE is still used by 1 other objects. (Additional information: <none>) See the entry in the Frequently Asked Questions of deal.II (linked to from http://www.dealii.org/) for a lot more information on what this error means and how to fix programs in which it happens. Stacktrace: ----------- #0 /home/segonpin/lib/dealii-8.4.bin/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.8.4.2: dealii::Subscriptor::~Subscriptor() #1 /home/segonpin/lib/dealii-8.4.bin/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.8.4.2: dealii::Triangulation<1, 1>::~Triangulation() #2 /home/segonpin/codessebas/dealii-neutron-transport/python/_pygeom.so: Forest::ProbGeom<1>::~ProbGeom() #3 /home/segonpin/codessebas/dealii-neutron-transport/python/_pygeom.so: #4 python: PyObject_Call #5 python: PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs #6 /home/segonpin/codessebas/dealii-neutron-transport/python/_pygeom.so: #7 python: ) [0x4fd4e6] #8 python: PyDict_SetItem #9 python: _PyModule_Clear #10 python: PyImport_Cleanup #11 python: Py_Finalize #12 python: Py_Main #13 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: __libc_start_main #14 python: _start -------------------------------------------------------- I know that this problem is because I am destroying an instance of an object that is still owned by someone else. My question is, how can I get the information of who is owning? Extra info: The same code runs well when calling things in the same order in python. I think that something is going wrong when using wrappers with std::shared_ptr, but swig is prepared for this and then I do not think this should be a problem. I was thinking that identifying who increased the counter in Subscriptor without decreasing it later can give me extra hints for fixing the problem. For extra information, the python file is #!/usr/bin/python import pyinput import pygeom import pystate import pyeqfactory import pyeigenprobfactory inp = pyinput.Input("heter1d/1d1g_heter") geo = pygeom.ProbGeom1D(inp) # This is the element that will raise the exception later state = pystate.State1D(inp, geo); equation = pyeqfactory.EqFactory1D.New(state) # commenting the following line there is no exception raised. eigenprob = pyeigenprobfactory.EigenProbFactory1D.New(state, equation) -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to dealii+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.