On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 4:59 AM, Lailai Zhu <lailaizh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi, Proveen,
> After implementing and testing by following your solutions, I realized two
> issues.
> When you use the mumps solver, how does it scale? i mean with a couple of
> processors, say 4.
> In my case, I tried to solve a test Laplace equations, the time of solving
> the system increases
> when only using two processors compared to one. If i use the cg solver,
> then solving process
> roughly scales to 6 processors, not so nice, but still improves.
> I dont have any numbers regarding parallel performance. I will tell you if
I get any numbers on this. In my HDG code for compressible Navier-Stokes, I
found gmres to be faster than mumps. So I use mumps only when I am not too
particular about performance.

> The second question is about the  ->initialize function, I only see the
> constructor and solve
> member functions for trilino's direct solver?

I forgot about this. The initialize function is currently in the master
branch on github. See


You will have to compile the deal.II master branch to use this function.


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