Interesting,  I wondered if SuperLU_dist might be parallel but I hadn't 
looked into it yet.  If it does work, then that certainly makes things much 
simpler since I have trilinos integrated well.  I will look into installing 
it and see if it will work. I see what you mean by it not being the easiest 
code to install.  

Once it is installed, I then have to link it into trilinos?  Then it is 
available as an option in AdditionalData.

I suppose for my own benefit and better understanding of the systems, I am 
still interested in understanding what it would take to accomplish the 
original question above so that I can use the general linear algebra system 
in every case I have in front of me.  If it is too much work and the above 
works then I suppose I will be content with just having the trilinos system 
for direct solvers...  :)

On Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 12:46:18 PM UTC-6, Bruno Turcksin wrote:
> Hi,
> this is not the answer to your question but if I understand correctly, 
> everything works fine with Trilinos and the only reason why you need PETSc 
> is to use MUMPS. If that's the case, instead of using Amesos_KLU with 
> Trilinos, you can use SuperLU_dist (
> It's not the 
> simplest code to install but SuperLU_dist is parallel and the only thing 
> that you need to change in your code is the option in AdditiionalData.
> Best,
> Bruno
> On Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 1:19:03 PM UTC-5, Spencer Patty wrote:
>> A problem I am working on results in a non symmetric 4x4 block matrix 
>> system with the first block representing a vector valued velocity and the 
>> remaining 3 blocks scalar quantities that are all coupled.  
>> The fe system is represented as 
>> FESystem<dim> (FESystem<dim>(FE_Q<dim> 
>> (parameters.degree_of_fe_velocity),dim), 1,  // velocity
>>                FE_Q<dim>(parameters.degree_of_fe_velocity), 1, // normal 
>> velocity
>>                FE_Q<dim>(parameters.degree_of_fe_velocity), 1, // 
>> curvature
>>                FE_Q<dim>(parameters.degree_of_fe_velocity), 1  // 
>> willmore force
>>               )
>> The other terms are needed for the physics of the problem I am working on 
>> but in the end, all I really need is the velocity.  After solving for these 
>> components, we extract the velocity component and create a new DofHandler 
>> consisting only of the velocity dofs and pass those to a transport module 
>> where they are the velocity field to be used.  In order to accomplish this 
>> extraction it seems necessary to have the dofs separated blockwise so that 
>> we can extract the first block and use it as is.  We thus apply the 
>> renumberings
>>         DoFRenumbering::hierarchical (*(dof_handler_ptr));
>>         DoFRenumbering::component_wise (*(dof_handler_ptr)),
>>                                         system_sub_blocks);
>> where system_sub_blocks has 0 for the first dim components and then 
>> increasing by one for the rest of the components.  (essentially this is the 
>> same as block wise renumbering)
>> Now, we have not been able to come up with a good preconditioner for this 
>> system yet so that iterative methods all currently fail.  Thus, I must 
>> resort to direct methods.  I have succeeded in coming up with a way to 
>> construct the system not as a block but as a TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix 
>> for putting into the Amesos_klu or available direct solvers through 
>> Trilinos and it works great.  Afterwards, we copy the non block solution 
>> vector back to a block vector for all the other parts since it is only the 
>> solver that needs a non block system.
>>       if (parameters.bUseBlockSystemMatrix == false)
>>       {
>>         system_hanging_node_constraints_and_bv_velocity
>> .distribute(solution_notblock_lo);
>>         solution_notblock_lr = solution_notblock_lo;
>>         // copy solution_notblock_lo to solution_lo
>>         IndexSet::ElementIterator iter = locally_owned_dofs_ptr->begin(),
>>                                    end = locally_owned_dofs_ptr->end();
>>         for (; iter != end; ++iter)
>>           solution_lo(*iter) = solution_notblock_lo(*iter);
>>         // since we have inserted (set) the values of the solution_lo 
>> vector,
>>         // we must now compress with the insert operation to be complete.
>>         solution_lo.compress(VectorOperation::insert);
>>       }
>>       system_hanging_node_constraints_and_bv_velocity
>> .distribute(solution_lo);
>>       solution_lr = solution_lo;
>>   This has worked well for us but these trilinos direct solvers are only 
>> serial solvers and we want to solve 2D and 3D systems so we need something 
>> that can handle larger problems.  Our next idea was to try out MUMPS in 
>> parallel through petsc to see if it would expand our available size of 
>> problem.  I have been able to rewrite the code base to use generic linear 
>> algebra to switch between petsc and trilinos type vectors matrices and 
>> solvers/preconditioners. (That was a a surprisingly large amount of work to 
>> get all the interfaces used consistently)  It works as expected for 
>> problems which use the iterative solvers (still as block systems) but we 
>> run into problems with the direct solvers. 
>> It appears that for petsc, the assumption that the locally owned dofs 
>> Index Sets are contiguous is really throwing a wrench in our plans for the 
>> non block system approach.  I have seen the other discussions where 
>> everyone says essentially it is not currently possible to get petsc and 
>> petsc wrappers to a point where it could use non contiguous locally owned 
>> index sets.  I guess I am ok with this since I believe I may have found a 
>> way around it but I am having trouble figuring out exactly how to execute 
>> this plan.
>> Thus, in the case that we are using the direct solvers, we do not 
>> renumber cellwise which gives us the contiguous index sets and we construct 
>> the non block system and give it to mumps and it solves the system just 
>> fine.  I have tried with 1 or 2 processors so far and it returns a solution 
>> ready to be passed on to the transport module.  Now, the extraction of the 
>> velocity component is the tricky part and the subject of this question.
>> With the trilinos system, the following code snippet allowed me to 
>> extract the desired solution vector and a corresponding dof handler. (where 
>> fe_system_ptr was the full 4 block fe system object)
>>       // Sadly, we have no recourse except to construct a new dof_handler
>>       // representing the velocity block and make sure it has the same 
>> ordering
>>       // as the system dof_handler does.  So we give it the desired 
>> fe_system
>>       // and renumber and return a shared pointer.  Since velocity is 
>> the first
>>       // block, the numbers should be same so we can return the 
>> solution.block{u_block}
>>       // as well without shifting indices
>>       std::shared_ptr<DoFHandler<dim> > get_dof_handler_velocity()
>>       {
>>         std::shared_ptr<DoFHandler<dim> > dof_velocity_ptr (new 
>> DoFHandler<dim>(triangulation));
>>         dof_velocity_ptr->distribute_dofs(fe_system_ptr->base_element(0)); 
>> // give the velocity block fe
>>         // order same as dof_handler_ptr in setup_system
>>         DoFRenumbering::hierarchical (*(dof_velocity_ptr));
>>         DoFRenumbering::component_wise (*(dof_velocity_ptr),
>>                                         std::vector<unsigned int> (dim,0)); 
>> // this might not actually do anything
>>   // since it is essentially blockwise
>>         return dof_velocity_ptr;
>>       }
>>       LinearAlgebra::Vector & get_velocity(){return solution_lr.block(0
>> );}
>> When I don't reorder the dofs, and I use the above snippets for passing 
>> to the transport module, It triggers the following error when I use the 
>> fe_values.get_function_values() on the velocity vector.
>> An error occurred in line <1614> of file 
>> </Users/srobertp/software/dealii/include/deal.II/base/index_set.h> in 
>> function
>>     IndexSet::size_type dealii::IndexSet::index_within_set(const 
>> size_type) const
>> The violated condition was: 
>>     is_element(n) == true
>> The name and call sequence of the exception was:
>>     ExcIndexNotPresent (n)
>> Additional Information: 
>> The global index 8060 is not an element of this set.
>> in other words, it is again probably making the assumption that the 
>> dofindices are contiguous but in this case, they are not since we are 
>> nowdealing with a subset of the full contiguous index set and without 
>> renumbering blockwise, that subset is not contiguous.
>> So, in this new case, what would be a good way to accomplish the desired 
>> result?  I thought about creating a new full system dof_handler and using 
>> the DoFRenumbering::compute_cell_wise() function to get the std::vector map 
>> of new global dof indices.  Then renumbering the new dofhandler and using 
>> the map to copy over the solutions.  Then I could use the above snippets on 
>> that new system.  Would I need a new FEsystem to go with this as well?  If 
>> so, that seems like a lot of extra memory and components to accomplish 
>> this.  Am I missing something that would make this easier?  
>> Essentially, I am asking for some help on how to convert my non blockwise 
>> renumbered system and solution to a renumbered system and solution so I can 
>> extract the first block with an appropriate dof handler of its own?
>> Thanks in advance for any help!

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