Hi Timo, 

Thank you for your information.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 6:38:23 PM UTC, Timo Heister wrote:
> > I believe that it would not be impossible to develop this, but it will 
> probably not be a small exercise. You would have to develop a fair share of 
> code, and gain an understanding of parts of the library you don't usually 
> get to see if you use deal.II. 
> > 
> > If you're willing to do this, we can guide you along the process, but 
> it's going to be a bit of work for sure. 
> One of my students is working on the initial step to get towards being 
> able to handle very large distributed triangulations. The main 
> limitation will be (for now), that the partitioning is static and 
> needs to happen in an offline process (so you can't really do adaptive 
> refinement or change the number of processors effectively). This might 
> be enough for your problem, though. 
> I can go into more detail if you want. 
Yes, please let me know the detail or the code. I just need a fully 
distributed triangulation which stores it local owned data in use. I dont 
even need p4est. A MPI protocol handles data communication should work. 
There is no need of adaptivity since cells in my case are atomic cells. I 
can also work on the code since I believe it may help the development of 
fully distributed triangulation. Actually, my friend and I are working on 
async distribution. All these should be included at the current stage.

YC Chen

> -- 
> Timo Heister 
> http://www.math.clemson.edu/~heister/ 

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