Hi Wolfgang,

yes, the latest version.
I'm not really sure what tbb is.. I'm using the bundled version I guess? 
Since I didn't install it separately and found task.h 
under /bundled/tbb41_20130401oss/include/tbb/

*>> And can you look up the declaration of the spawn() function in task.h 
in your version of the TBB? *
Is this it? 

>         class task_base: tbb::internal::no_copy {
>             friend class tbb::task;
>             //! Schedule task for execution when a worker becomes 
> available.
>             static void spawn( task& t );
>             //! Spawn multiple tasks and clear list.
>             static void spawn( task_list& list );

There is also this one:

> namespace internal {
>     class scheduler: no_copy {
>     public:
>         //! For internal use only

        virtual void spawn( task& first, task*& next ) = 0;

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