Dear Lam,

Great, I'm glad that worked for you.

Do we have another approach, for example store the heterogeneous 
> permeability belonged to each cell, to avoid wasted computational cost?

You can looks at step-18 and step-44, which both store local data 
associated with the quadrature points.


On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 9:20:22 AM UTC+1, Lam DANG wrote:
> Dear Wolfgang, Jean-Paul and all
> I followed your suggestions and the code run. Thank for your helps.
> But I still a concern that the function class (the Coefficient class in 
> step 6) will be called in many time in the main code. Do we have another 
> approach, for example store the heterogeneous permeability belonged to each 
> cell, to avoid wasted computational cost?
> Best regard
> Lam DANG
> University of Orleans, France
> On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 2:47:18 PM UTC+1, Wolfgang Bangerth 
> wrote:
>> On 01/25/2017 05:37 AM, Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote: 
>> > Dear Lam, 
>> > 
>> > There are a number of ways that you can do this. One approach would be 
>> to 
>> > define a class that derives from the function class 
>> > <>; 
>> this is 
>> > alluded to in step-8 
>> > <
>> > but here the parameters are considered constant. For this approach you 
>> would 
>> > need to describe the material parameters by position, rather than 
>> material_id. 
>> Indeed, this is what step-6 does. (For the Laplace equation, but if you 
>> see it 
>> happen there, you will know how it works for the elasticity equation as 
>> well.) 
>> Best 
>>   W. 
>> -- 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
>>                             www: 

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