
Krylov solvers have been around for a while and the implementation in 
deal.II is pretty standard. Here is a reference that a few people use but you can just use 
google//google scholar to get more references.



On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 8:19:11 AM UTC-5, Ingo Kligge wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm going to write my master thesis about efficient preconditioning and 
> solving of a saddle point-like system arising in thermoelastic modelling of 
> drilling, implemented in deal.ii. Therefore I need references to shortly 
> review the appropriate Krylov subspace methods (BiCGStab, GMRES and 
> SQMR/QMRS). I would like to do so on sources, to which the existing 
> deal.ii-solver code is similar to or taken from, but don't find any given 
> or somewhere listed right away (nor any already answered related threats in 
> the deal.ii User group). Do you have any suggestions where I should look 
> for? Preferably but not necessarily in German. Thank you in advance!
> Greetings,
> Ingo

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