Dr. Bangerth,

Thanks for your reply again.

> Yes, but that's because you have a small bug in your code: you fix *all* 
> vertices before you call laplace_transform. You should only fix the ones 
> that 
> are are at the boundary of the domain. 
As you said above, I only touched the points on the boundary as follows... 
(I attached the file for detail)

  const SphericalManifold<2> boundary_description(Point<2>(0,0));
  triangulation.set_manifold (1, boundary_description);
  std::vector<bool> vertex_touched (triangulation.n_vertices(),false);
  std::map< unsigned int, Point< 2 > > new_points;
  cell = triangulation.begin_active(),
  endc = triangulation.end();
  for(;cell !=endc;++cell)
        for(unsigned int face=0;face < 
             for(unsigned int v=0;v < 
                if(vertex_touched[cell->vertex_index(v)] == false)
                  vertex_touched[cell->vertex_index(v)] = true;
                  unsigned int 
                  new_points[vertex_number]= cell->face(face)->vertex(v);

  std::cout<<"how many?="<<num_check<<std::endl;
  GridTools::laplace_transform (new_points,triangulation);

I checked num_check value in the code is same as the number of points on 
the boundary.

But, nothing happened...

As before, there is no kind of smoothness in the mesh.

There is no change in the mesh.

Could you please help me?

Thank you.


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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 by the deal.II authors
 * This file is part of the deal.II library.
 * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
 * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
 * the top level of the deal.II distribution.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Author: Timo Heister, Texas A&M University, 2013

// This tutorial program is odd in the sense that, unlike for most other
// steps, the introduction already provides most of the information on how to
// use the various strategies to generate meshes. Consequently, there is
// little that remains to be commented on here, and we intersperse the code
// with relatively little text. In essence, the code here simply provides a
// reference implementation of what has already been described in the
// introduction.

// @sect3{Include files}

#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_in.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include <map>

using namespace dealii;

// @sect3{Generating output for a given mesh}

// The following function generates some output for any of the meshes we will
// be generating in the remainder of this program. In particular, it generates
// the following information:
// - Some general information about the number of space dimensions in which
//   this mesh lives and its number of cells.
// - The number of boundary faces that use each boundary indicator, so that
//   it can be compared with what we expect.
// Finally, the function outputs the mesh in encapsulated postscript (EPS)
// format that can easily be visualized in the same way as was done in step-1.
template <int dim>
void print_mesh_info(const Triangulation<dim> &tria,
                     const std::string        &filename)
  std::cout << "Mesh info:" << std::endl
            << " dimension: " << dim << std::endl
            << " no. of cells: " << tria.n_active_cells() << std::endl;

  // Next loop over all faces of all cells and find how often each
  // boundary indicator is used (recall that if you access an element
  // of a std::map object that doesn't exist, it is implicitly created
  // and default initialized -- to zero, in the current case -- before
  // we then increment it):
    std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> boundary_count;
    typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator
    cell = tria.begin_active(),
    endc = tria.end();
    for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
        for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
            if (cell->face(face)->at_boundary())

    std::cout << " boundary indicators: ";
    for (std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it=boundary_count.begin();
        std::cout << it->first << "(" << it->second << " times) ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

  // Finally, produce a graphical representation of the mesh to an output
  // file:
  std::ofstream out (filename.c_str());
  GridOut grid_out;
  grid_out.write_eps (tria, out);
  std::cout << " written to " << filename
            << std::endl
            << std::endl;

// @sect3{Main routines}

// @sect4{grid_1: Loading a mesh generated by gmsh}

// In this first example, we show how to load the mesh for which we have
// discussed in the introduction how to generate it. This follows the same
// pattern as used in step-5 to load a mesh, although there it was written in
// a different file format (UCD instead of MSH).
void grid_1 ()
  Triangulation<2> triangulation;

  GridIn<2> gridin;
  std::ifstream f("untitled.msh");

  print_mesh_info(triangulation, "grid-1.eps");

// @sect4{grid_2: Merging triangulations}

// Here, we first create two triangulations and then merge them into one.  As
// discussed in the introduction, it is important to ensure that the vertices
// at the common interface are located at the same coordinates.
void grid_2 ()
  Triangulation<2> tria1;
  GridGenerator::hyper_cube_with_cylindrical_hole (tria1, 0.25, 1.0);

  Triangulation<2> tria2;
  std::vector< unsigned int > repetitions(2);
  GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_rectangle (tria2, repetitions,

  Triangulation<2> triangulation;
  GridGenerator::merge_triangulations (tria1, tria2, triangulation);

  print_mesh_info(triangulation, "grid-2.eps");

// @sect4{grid_3: Moving vertices}

// In this function, we move vertices of a mesh. This is simpler than one
// usually expects: if you ask a cell using <code>cell-@>vertex(i)</code> for
// the coordinates of its <code>i</code>th vertex, it doesn't just provide the
// location of this vertex but in fact a reference to the location where these
// coordinates are stored. We can then modify the value stored there.
// So this is what we do in the first part of this function: We create a
// square of geometry $[-1,1]^2$ with a circular hole with radius 0.25 located
// at the origin. We then loop over all cells and all vertices and if a vertex
// has a $y$ coordinate equal to one, we move it upward by 0.5.
// Note that this sort of procedure does not usually work this way because one
// will typically encounter the same vertices multiple times and may move them
// more than once. It works here because we select the vertices we want to use
// based on their geometric location, and a vertex moved once will fail this
// test in the future. A more general approach to this problem would have been
// to keep a std::set of of those vertex indices that we have already moved
// (which we can obtain using <code>cell-@>vertex_index(i)</code> and only
// move those vertices whose index isn't in the set yet.
void grid_3 ()
  Triangulation<2> triangulation;
  GridGenerator::hyper_cube_with_cylindrical_hole (triangulation, 0.25, 1.0);
  int num_check=0;

  cell = triangulation.begin_active(),
  endc = triangulation.end();
  for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++i)
          Point<2> &v = cell->vertex(i);
          if (std::abs(v(1)-1.0)<1e-5)
            v(1) -= 0.5;
  // In the second step we will refine the mesh twice. To do this
  // correctly, we have to associate a geometry object with the
  // boundary of the hole; since the boundary of the hole has boundary
  // indicator 1 (see the documentation of the function that generates
  // the mesh), we need to create an object that describes a spherical
  // manifold (i.e., a hyper ball) with appropriate center and assign
  // it to the triangulation. Notice that the function that generates
  // the triangulation sets the boundary indicators of the inner mesh,
  // but leaves unchanged the manifold indicator. We copy the boundary
  // indicator to the manifold indicators in order for the object to
  // be refined accordingly.
  // We can then refine twice:

  const SphericalManifold<2> boundary_description(Point<2>(0,0));
  triangulation.set_manifold (1, boundary_description);
  std::vector<bool> vertex_touched (triangulation.n_vertices(),false);
  std::map< unsigned int, Point< 2 > > new_points;
  cell = triangulation.begin_active(),
  endc = triangulation.end();
  for(;cell !=endc;++cell)
	for(unsigned int face=0;face < GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;++face)
	     for(unsigned int v=0;v < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_face;++v)
    		if(vertex_touched[cell->vertex_index(v)] == false)
		  vertex_touched[cell->vertex_index(v)] = true;
		  unsigned int vertex_number=cell->face(face)->vertex_index(v);
		  new_points[vertex_number]= cell->face(face)->vertex(v);
		  std::cout<<"new pts="<<new_points[vertex_number]<<std::endl;

  std::cout<<"how many?="<<num_check<<std::endl;
  GridTools::laplace_transform (new_points,triangulation);
  // The mesh so generated is then passed to the function that generates
  // output. In a final step we remove the boundary object again so that it is
  // no longer in use by the triangulation when it is destroyed (the boundary
  // object is destroyed first in this function since it was declared after
  // the triangulation).
  std::string filename = "grid-3.vtk";
  std::ofstream output(filename.c_str());
  GridOut grid_out;
  grid_out.write_vtk(triangulation, output);
  print_mesh_info(triangulation, "grid-3.eps");
  triangulation.set_manifold (1);

// There is one snag to doing things as shown above: If one moves the nodes on
// the boundary as shown here, one often ends up with cells in the interior
// that are badly distorted since the interior nodes were not moved around. This
// is not that much of a problem in the current case since the mesh did not
// contain any internal nodes when the nodes were moved -- it was the coarse
// mesh and it so happened that all vertices are at the boundary. It's also
// the case that the movement we had here was, compared to the average cell
// size not overly dramatic. Nevertheless, sometimes one does want to move
// vertices by a significant distance, and in that case one needs to move
// internal nodes as well. One way to do that automatically is to call the
// function GridTools::laplace_transform that takes a set of transformed
// vertex coordinates and moves all of the other vertices in such a way that the
// resulting mesh has, in some sense, a small distortion.

// @sect4{grid_4: Demonstrating extrude_triangulation}

// This example takes the initial grid from the previous function and simply extrudes it into the third space dimension:
void grid_4()
  Triangulation<2> triangulation;
  Triangulation<3> out;
  GridGenerator::hyper_cube_with_cylindrical_hole (triangulation, 0.25, 1.0);

  GridGenerator::extrude_triangulation (triangulation, 3, 2.0, out);
  print_mesh_info(out, "grid-4.eps");

// @sect4{grid_5: Demonstrating GridTools::transform, part 1}

// This and the next example first create a mesh and then transform it by
// moving every node of the mesh according to a function that takes a point
// and returns a mapped point. In this case, we transform $(x,y) \mapsto
// (x,y+\sin(\pi x/5))$.
// GridTools::transform takes a triangulation and any kind of object that can
// be called like a function as arguments. This function-like argument can be
// simply the address of a function as in the current case, or an object that
// has an <code>operator()</code> as in the next example, or for example a
// <code>std::function@<Point@<2@>(const Point@<2@>)@></code> object one can get
// via <code>std::bind</code> in more complex cases.
Point<2> grid_5_transform (const Point<2> &in)
  return Point<2>(in(0),
                  in(1) + std::sin(in(0)/5.0*3.14159));

void grid_5()
  Triangulation<2> tria;
  std::vector<unsigned int> repetitions(2);
  repetitions[0] = 14;
  repetitions[1] = 2;
  GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_rectangle (tria, repetitions,

  GridTools::transform(&grid_5_transform, tria);
  print_mesh_info(tria, "grid-5.eps");

// @sect4{grid_6: Demonstrating GridTools::transform, part 2}

// In this second example of transforming points from an original to a new
// mesh, we will use the mapping $(x,y) \mapsto (x,\tanh(2y)/\tanh(2))$. To
// make things more interesting, rather than doing so in a single function as
// in the previous example, we here create an object with an
// <code>operator()</code> that will be called by GridTools::transform. Of
// course, this object may in reality be much more complex: the object may
// have member variables that play a role in computing the new locations of
// vertices.
struct Grid6Func
  double trans(const double y) const
    return std::tanh(2*y)/tanh(2);

  Point<2> operator() (const Point<2> &in) const
    return Point<2> (in(0),

void grid_6()
  Triangulation<2> tria;
  std::vector< unsigned int > repetitions(2);
  repetitions[0] = repetitions[1] = 40;
  GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_rectangle (tria, repetitions,

  GridTools::transform(Grid6Func(), tria);
  print_mesh_info(tria, "grid-6.eps");

// @sect4{grid_7: Demonstrating distort_random}

// In this last example, we create a mesh and then distort its (interior)
// vertices by a random perturbation. This is not something you want to do for
// production computations, but it is a useful tool for testing
// discretizations and codes to make sure they don't work just by accident
// because the mesh happens to be uniformly structured and supporting
// super-convergence properties.
void grid_7()
  Triangulation<2> tria;
  std::vector<unsigned int> repetitions(2);
  repetitions[0] = repetitions[1] = 16;
  GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_rectangle (tria, repetitions,

  GridTools::distort_random (0.3, tria, true);
  print_mesh_info(tria, "grid-7.eps");

// @sect3{The main function}

// Finally, the main function. There isn't much to do here, only to call the
// subfunctions.
int main ()
  grid_1 ();
  grid_2 ();
  grid_3 ();
  grid_4 ();
  grid_5 ();
  grid_6 ();
  grid_7 ();

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