Vaibhav, 2016-11-10 5:21 GMT-05:00 Vaibhav Palkar <>: > Looking at the error message I get, the non convergence is probably not due > to the Newton iterations. I am using an iterative solver(Iterative Inverse > class of dealii) for computing the ((M-tau*J)^-1)*M*y term (the term dealii > probably requires for Newton iterations). This is in contrast to step-52 > (which uses UMFPACK) and the non convergence is in this iterative solution > step. In fact, the solution converges(and matches with an equivalent ODE45 > implementation) for many time steps and no convergence occurs when a steep > temporal change in the solution(characteristic of the stiff system) is > encountered. Any advice on how to make it converge? So the non-convergence is in "your" code? In that case, you need to find a better preconditioner for your problem. What are you using now?
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