Dear Atanu,

Here are two stackoverflow posts (the first one 
more technical, the secon 
by example) that provide a satisfactory answer to your second question. The 
search term I used in google to find these posts was

c++ function const at the end


On Friday, November 4, 2016 at 5:22:20 AM UTC+1, Atanu Banerjee wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the reference. I got the point. Please help in one more 
> thing.
> While defining the virtual member functions, e.g., RightHandSide::value, 
> at the end of the function declaration "const" is added. Why is it so? Can 
> you please give a reference?
> Thanks 
> Atanu
> On Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 9:42:23 PM UTC+5:30, Jean-Paul Pelteret 
> wrote:
>> You're welcome. Since you say that you're a C++ beginner, I'm not sure 
>> how much you know about polymorphism: just in case you need some further 
>> clarification, here's an example 
>> <> that highlights 
>> what's actually going on here with the base and derived classes (namely 
>> virtual function overloading).
>> On Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 4:54:39 PM UTC+1, Atanu Banerjee wrote:
>>> Ok... Thank you Jean.

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