
I have some doubts over the contact algorithm used in step-41. Maybe 
someone can help me to clarify:
+ In step-41, instead of solving for delta_U and delta_Lambda, we solve for 
U_k+1 by using a finite difference equation. Is it some form of explicit 
contact algorithm? It is also worth noting that the gap function is not 
linearized. In this example, the gap G is constant function by the way, 
however considering possible sliding of the node, the gap still need to be 
linearized if using the implicit contact algorithm.
+ The convergence of the contact algorithm is in 18 Newton steps, comparing 
to typically 7-8 steps for an implicit contact algorithm. Although it's 
hard to compare here because the primal-dual active set is used. But if 
implicit contact is used, will the convergence be improved?

This question is not relating to specific implementation issue, but is some 
that I want to clarify when reading dealii tutorial.

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