Dear Josh

Many thanks for your reply. I personally have some umat written in Fortran
(i.e Von Mises, DP, ...) and because I start to learn dealii in depth, I
will write interface to use that in the code anyway. Therefore I think my
work can be useful for others. I'm glad that you and others are taking
effort to introduce this essential problem to the community. I will contact
you shortly to discuss about my problem of interest.


On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 1:10 AM, Joshua White <> wrote:

> Hi Giang,
> There is definitely an informal community of people using deal.II for
> various problems in computational geomechanics, including geotechnical
> problems like consolidation analysis and slope stability.  Over the years,
> some colleagues and I have accumulated quite a bit of infrastructure for
> these sorts of problems (including constitutive models like Modified Cam
> Clay).   A few of us came to a decision recently that we should package and
> share this code with the broader community, but unfortunately this is still
> a work in progress.
> So the short answer to your question is that deal.II has been used for
> geotechnical problems, but there isn't any canned infrastructure available
> right now.  We'd be happy to help you however we can in your own projects
> though.
> A UMAT interface sounds interesting, but what sorts of applications were
> you hoping to apply it to?
> Best,
> Josh
> On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 9:43:48 AM UTC-7, Hoang Giang Bui wrote:
>> Dear list
>> I saw dealii has been applied for geodynamics problems. However, is there
>> any effort in dealii community trying to tackle problems in geotechnical
>> engineering? For example, constitutive modelling for more realistic soil
>> simulation like Mohr-Coulomb or Cam Clay. I would like to see examples in
>> that domain though. Furthermore, if I want to contribute, for example
>> writing an interface to use Abaqus umat subroutine within dealii code. Is
>> that useful for the community? What is your suggestion?
>> Thanks
>> Giang
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