.vtk files are visualization output, which always involves some loss
of information (for example we interpolate linearly to the vertices of
each cell by default), so therefore it is
complicated/inaccurate/undesirable to reconstruct a finite element
solution vector from it. This is the reason nobody has implemented
this inside deal.II so far. You should consider storing the finite
element solution and read that back in or do what J-P suggests.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 2:29 AM, Jean-Paul Pelteret
<jppelte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Anup.
> I notice that this question has been asked before, but remains without an
> answer. I'm not sure that this is possible - so far, save and load functions
> only read/write to boost archive data structures. You're probably better off
> investigating using these functions instead of a VTK file. That being said,
> if its an ASCII VTK file then it wouldn't be too difficult it wouldn't be
> too difficult to implement such functionality. But things could get tricky
> if you are using parallel data structures.
> Regards,
> J-P
> On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 12:59:49 AM UTC+2, Anup Basak wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a solution saved in two .vtk files for a mechanics problem
>> (displacement, stress, strain, temperature etc.
>> at the nodal points). Now let us say I want to use this as initial
>> conditions for another problem (the domain,
>> boundary conditions, and meshes are identical for both the problems).
>> Could anyone please suggest that
>> how should I implement it.
>> Thanks,
>> Anup.
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Timo Heister

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