To answer my own question: finally I resolved a problem. I've been always getting zeros for the surface integral. It was a typo in the _expression_ I have been using (c is the dof, D is diffusivity):

     \sum_{q} \sum_{i} {-D \times \left( \nabla
      \phi_{i,q} \cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}} \right) \times c_i \times

but I used q index for c by mistake.

Thanks for the help, that code snipped helped me when I looked at the implementation of  get_function_gradients (and the function it calls do_function_derivatives).


On 23/09/16 18:24, wrote:
And one more thing I forgot. Although it is typically a post-processing task I would like to get it during the integration (the problem is transient).

On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 5:56:16 PM UTC+1, Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote:
Hi Dragan,

What is it that you're trying to evaluate? Although you don't specifically mention it, as you're wanting to do this in post-processing I presume that you're wanting to evaluate something to do with the solution? If so, then you can use the get_function_values and get_function_gradients associated with the FEFaceValues class to extract the solution at the face quadrature points.
As a further example, in step-44 a boundary integral is evaluated to compute the nodal contributions of a force applied to a surface of a body.
I hope this helps.
On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 6:29:37 PM UTC+2, wrote:
Hello guys, I searched the forum about how to calculate the surface integral over a boundary (during the post-processing) and found one post, where he was directed to the step-12. I am not sure if I can understand from there. Any directions how to do it or some other place to look? Thanks. Dragan
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