Hello Praveen,

Thank you so much. I am wondering if you could tell me which

limiters you used, because if it is too hard for me to implement

this limiter, I will have to try other ones. I am a newbie to C++,

but will try to read your codes to see if I can make it.


2016-09-19 23:43 GMT-04:00 Praveen C <cprav...@gmail.com>:

> Hello Jiaqi
> I was interested in this some years back though I didnt pursue it after
> some initial attempt.
> See this
> https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?hl=en-GB#!topic/dealii/gaongNBSXfY
> I tried writing an fespace based on FE_DGPNonparametric which does not use
> a mapping and the shape functions are directly evaluated in physical space.
> I attempted it here
> https://bitbucket.org/cpraveen/deal_ii/src/f1d8a33d4b5c7af02
> cca8e9e3c7f357d56c4c14d/fe_dgt/?at=master
> You need to modify fevalues so that it can use solution on one cell but
> evaluate it on a different cell. See the reinit functions
> https://bitbucket.org/cpraveen/deal_ii/src/f1d8a33d4b5c7af02
> cca8e9e3c7f357d56c4c14d/fe_dgt/fe_values.cc?at=master&
> fileviewer=file-view-default
> I dont remember clearly but this seemed to be working fine. Only problem
> was that the shape functions were not orthogonal.
> I used this fe_dgt space here
> https://bitbucket.org/cpraveen/deal_ii/src/f1d8a33d4b5c7af02
> cca8e9e3c7f357d56c4c14d/dg/1d_scalar_taylor/?at=master
> https://bitbucket.org/cpraveen/deal_ii/src/f1d8a33d4b5c7af02
> cca8e9e3c7f357d56c4c14d/dg/2d_scalar_unsteady_taylor/?at=master
> There may be other discussion in mailing list related to this which I have
> forgotten now.
> It *should be possible* to add a similar reinit function to FE_DGP with
> MappingCartesian, and achieve what you want. The shape functions would be
> orthogonal. So one would use it as (some syntax could be wrong here)
> fe_values.reinit(cell);
> std::vector<Point<dim>>& points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points();
> fe_values_nbr.reinit(nbr_cell, points);
> The last reinit function should convert "points" to local coordinates on
> nbr_cell and evaluate whatever it wants.
> Or you can modify my fe_dgt to use Legendre polynomials.
> On general grids, this is more difficult if you want to have orthogonal
> shape functions. Only way would be to implement some gram-schmidt process.
> If you dont care for orthogonality, then something like fe_dgt above works.
> Best
> Praveen​
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Jiaqi Zhang
Graduate student
Department of Mathematics
Virginia Tech

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