Dear Praveen,
> The documentation says that GaussLobatto node-based FE_TraceQ will be > implemented in future. Is there any estimate on when this will be > available ? The documentation is outdated. Indeed, FE_TraceQ is based on the nodes of the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula. See the code in source/fe/, constructor call. We somehow forgot to update the documentation. I will open a pull request. > In Interior Embedded DG (IEDG) scheme, you need trace spaces which are > continuous on interior faces but discontinuous on boundary faces. Is > there a plan to implement such a space in deal.II ? Please help me understand your question: You want to have the behavior of FE_TraceQ on interior faces and FE_FaceQ at the boundary? Having this kind of distinction is not easily possible because of the way elements are organized in deal.II. We logically assign degrees of freedom to the vertices, edges, quads and hexes of the elements. In the case of FE_TraceQ in 3D, linear functions live on vertices only, whereas for quadratics and higher you also put nodes on the midpoints of edges and the quads. For FE_FaceQ, we put all degrees of freedom on the quads, even though the support points of linears is still at the vertex location. This way, we get duplicated degrees of freedom. If you want to construct such a space, you will need to do some manual labor: My suggestion would be that you build FE_FaceQ and then manually find constraints that put the vertices (and edges in 3D) that sit on the same physical position to the same degree of freedom. It should be pretty straight-forward to do so. Best, Martin -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit