DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (saturation_dof_handler,
    darcy_dof_handler, dsp,
                                        saturation_constraints, false);

    dealii is complaining and is saying

    note: template<class DoFHandlerType, class SparsityPatternType> void
    dealii::DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(const DoFHandlerType&, const
    DoFHandlerType&, SparsityPatternType&)
       make_sparsity_pattern (const DoFHandlerType &dof_row,
    note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
    /home/franckm/candi-examples/step-43b/ note:
    candidate expects 3 arguments, 5 provided
                                           saturation_constraints, false);
    make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/step-43b.dir/] Error 1

The error is not surprising as there isn't a variant of
DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern that takes two DoFHandlers.

There actually *is* a function that takes two DoFHandler objects, but it doesn't take a constraint matrix or the last boolean argument. (The reason is that if you consider different row and column spaces suggested by the two DoFHandlers, you would also have to consider different constraints on rows and columns; so, if that were implemented, there would need to be a function that takes *two* ConstraintMatrix objects; but that isn't implemented -- the function that is there assumes no constraints on either of the DoFs that form the row and column spaces, and leaves it to you to later eliminate the constraints you may have through other means.)

You can of course see what variants of the make_sparsity_pattern function there are by looking here:


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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