
2016-08-25 11:03 GMT-04:00 Wolfgang Bangerth <>:
>> In the case of trying to compile the code using the command
>> sudo gcc -std=c++11
>> I get a long string of errors that look something like this
>>     undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned long)'
>>     /tmp/ccAgCMHw.o: In function
> Peter -- two comments:
> 1/ Using sudo is almost always a terrible idea. What you're doing is calling
> the compiler as *root* (i.e., as the superuser). There really shouldn't be
> any reason to do this, but so many reasons *not* to do this because you may
> accidentally overwrite files that shouldn't be overwritten, you could be
> writing into directories that need to stay as they are, etc.
> 2/ The command 'gcc -std=c++11' trie to compile and link the
> file into an executable. But depends on many other files, so while
> you should be able to compile it into an object file, you won't be able to
> link it into an executable without linking in a large number of other object
> files. That's in essence what the error message is saying.
On top of what Wolfgang already said, gcc is a C compiler but tbb is a
C++ library so you would need to use g++.

> My suggestion is to just stick with how the installation process is intended
> to be used:
> * no sudo, no superuser
> * compile and install into a directory somewhere within your homedir
> * go to one of the example dirs in the installation directory
> * call 'cmake .'
> * compile
> This should work.
@Peter before trying what Wolfgang said, you need to make sure that
you have removed deal.II from /usr/local otherwise your system will
try to use this version. You can use candi to build deal.II in a directory.



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