Dear all

I have included below an example code which converges with

commit ed1bdc6fc1931a664bc30920f66f054907a49cce

but fails to converge with

commit d1e3ffcaf6733e7d8509d93785b1f9e2b16a977e

In this code, I solve the Winslow equations using continuous finite
elements. I am using curved boundaries and I could reproduce the failure
only with a complicated manifold.

The manifold I use is a NACA0012 airfoil for which I have implemented a
*project_to_manifold* function, see *winslow/parallel/naca.h*. I project
the candidate point onto the true boundary in the normal direction to the
boundary edge.

The code is here

To get the code
git clone

The code is in


Steps to run the code

cd deal_ii/winslow/parallel
cmake .
cd ../run
gmsh -2 naca_struct.geo
../parallel/main 3

I realise that this is a bit complicated example but I dont know what to
remove to simplify it. Any tips will be useful.

This problem could be related to what Luca wrote here!searchin/dealii/SphericalManifold$20and$


On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:36 PM, Praveen C <> wrote:

> So it looks like the problem is with
> commit d1e3ffcaf6733e7d8509d93785b1f9e2b16a977e
> Author: Luca Heltai <>
> Date:   Tue Jul 12 12:39:30 2016 +0200
>     Added get_new_point with two points and a weight.
> I will try to send my code which is affected by the "bug", but it may not
> be very simple.
> Best
> praveen

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