Hi Matthias,

This was what I initially thought Deepak wanted, but he's doing 
p-refinement, so these aren't actually hanging nodes that he's querying.


On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 9:52:44 AM UTC+2, Matthias Maier wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016, at 02:33 CDT, Jean-Paul Pelteret <> wrote: 
> > Dear Deepak, 
> > 
> > To the best of my knowledge, such functionality is not available in the 
> > library because, well, its not the normal type of information that one 
> > would be interested in. So you'll have to write the functionality 
> yourself. 
> > 
> > What have you tried so far? How I would do it is by computing some 
> > information up-front, namely for each FE type (i.e. different 
> combination 
> > of bases), determine the number of support points on a cell face. The 
> > FE::has_support_on_face 
> > <
> https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classFiniteElement.html#af1043fc052fed945f579317f029ad00a>
> > function could be of use here, or you could locate the physical position 
> of 
> > the support points on the face and count the number of unique entries. 
> You 
> > could then loop over all cells and their faces, and the number of 
> "hanging" 
> > support points on a single face would be the difference between the 
> values 
> > you've computed *a priori* for the face between the two cells. You'd 
> have 
> > to be careful not to do any double accounting, of course. The tutorials 
> on 
> > hp-refinement as well as DG methods may shed some further light on what 
> > other tools you may require. 
> What about creating a ConstraintMatrix object and simply calling 
> make_hanging_node_constraints? After that 
> ConstraintMatrix::n_constraints() returns the total number of 
> constrained DoFs. 
> Best, 
> Matthias 

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