On 07/14/2016 05:07 AM, Michał Wichrowski wrote:
Dear all,
Matrix multiplication requires resulting matrix to be initialized. Even if
rebuild_sparsity_C = true .

template <typename number>
template <typename numberB, typename numberC>
SparseMatrix<number>::mmult (SparseMatrix<numberC>       &C,
                              const SparseMatrix<numberB> &B,
                              const Vector<number>        &V,
                              const bool                   rebuild_sparsity_C)
   const bool use_vector = V.size() == n() ? true : false;
   Assert (n() == B.m(), ExcDimensionMismatch(n(), B.m()));
   Assert (cols != 0, ExcNotInitialized());
   Assert (B.cols != 0, ExcNotInitialized());
   Assert (C.cols != 0, ExcNotInitialized()); //HERE!!

I think this is actually working as intended. All it checks is that the matrix C has a sparsity pattern object attached to it. This is necessary since, otherwise, we would not know which sparsity pattern object to rebuild.

(The alternative would be to just create a new sparsity pattern and then let matrix C use it. But there is no way to return this object somehow to make sure someone takes over ownership of the object.)


Wolfgang Bangerth               email:            bange...@math.tamu.edu
                                www: http://www.math.tamu.edu/~bangerth/

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